lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

Saber la verdad oportuna

27 JUNIO 2010
Mientras escribía cada uno de mis reflexiones anteriores, y una catástrofe fue rápidamente corregido el tiro en la humanidad, mi mayor preocupación era cumplir el primer deber de informar a nuestro pueblo.

Hoy me siento más relajado que hace 26 días. Dado que la situación evoluciona, puedo reiterar y ampliar la información a la opinión pública nacional e internacional.

Obama se ha comprometido a asistir a los cuartos de final partido del 02 de julio, si el equipo de su país llega a esa etapa. Se supone que sabe mejor que nadie que los cuartos de final no será impugnada por acontecimientos muy graves se llevará a cabo antes de esa, o al menos debería saber.

El pasado viernes, 25 de junio una agencia de prensa internacional conocida por la atención a los detalles en sus informes, publicó una declaración del "Comandante de la Marina ... de la élite del Cuerpo de los Guardianes de la Revolución Islámica general Ali Fadavi ...", y advirtió: "... que si los Estados Unidos y sus aliados inspeccionar los buques iraníes en aguas internacionales 'tendrán su respuesta en el Golfo Pérsico y el estrecho de Ormuz.' "

La información fue tomada de la agencia de noticias Mehr de Irán locales.

De acuerdo con el despacho de prensa, dijo que la agencia de noticias informó que "Fadavi añadió que" la Armada de los Guardianes Revolucionarios en la actualidad tiene cientos de barcos equipados con lanzadores de misiles. "

La información, produjo aproximadamente al mismo tiempo de lo que Granma publica o quizás antes, parecía en algunos momentos una copia exacta de las reflexiones elaboradas el jueves 24 de junio y corrió por el papel que el viernes 25.

La coincidencia se explica por el simple uso de un razonamiento lógico. Yo estaba completamente inconsciente de lo que la agencia local iraní había publicado.

No tengo absolutamente ninguna duda de que tan pronto como los buques de guerra estadounidenses e israelíes se han desplegado, junto con el resto de los buques militares estadounidenses posición frente a las costas de Irán y tratan de inspeccionar el buque mercante primera de ese país, habrá un lanzamiento masivo de los misiles en ambas direcciones. En ese momento, exactamente la terrible guerra comenzará. No es posible estimar cuántos buques serán hundidos o de qué país.

Saber la verdad inmediata, es lo más importante para nuestro pueblo.

No importa si casi todo el mundo, me atrevo a decir el 99,9% o más de mis compatriotas, instintivamente se aferran a la esperanza y estoy de acuerdo con mis sinceros deseos de estar equivocado. He hablado con personas cercanas a mí, y también he recibido noticias de muchos nobles, la gente trabajadora y abnegada que han leído mis reflexiones y no desafiar mis consideraciones en lo más mínimo, pero absorben más bien, creer y tragar mi razonamiento a través de una garganta seca sin embargo, de inmediato regresar a las tareas a las que dedican sus energías.

Eso es precisamente lo que esperamos de nuestros compatriotas. Pero sería peor para convertirse repentinamente consciente de los acontecimientos extremadamente dio sin haber oído tanto como una noticia sobre esta posibilidad. Entonces no habría confusión y pánico, y eso sería indigno de nuestro heroico pueblo cubano, que estaba muy cerca de convertirse en el blanco de un masivo ataque nuclear en octubre de 1962, y todavía no dudó un segundo en el cumplimiento de su deber.


Nowing the truth timely


As I was writing every one of my previous Reflections, and a catastrophe was quickly zeroing in on humanity, my major concern was to fulfill the primary duty to inform our people.

Today, I feel more relax than 26 days ago. As the situation evolves, I can reiterate and expand on the information to the national and international public.

Obama has committed to attend the quarterfinals match on July 2, if his country’s team makes it to that stage. He supposedly knows better than anyone that the quarterfinals will not be contested because very serious developments will take place before that; or at least he should know.

Last Friday, June 25, an international press agency known for the attention to details in its reports, published a statement by the “…Navy Commander of the elite Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution General Ali Fadavi…,” warning “…that if the United States and its allies inspect Iranian ships in international waters ‘they will have their response in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.’”

The information was taken from the local news agency Mehr of Iran.

According to the press dispatch, said news agency reported that “Fadavi added that ‘the Navy of the Revolutionary Guardians currently has hundreds of vessels equipped with missile launchers.’”

The information, produced approximately at the same time of what Granma published or perhaps before, seemed at some points an exact copy of the Reflections elaborated on Thursday June 24th and ran by that paper on Friday 25th.

The coincidence can be explained by the simple use of a logical reasoning. I was completely unaware of what the Iranian local agency had published.

I have absolutely no doubt that as soon as the American and Israeli warships are deployed –alongside the rest of the American military vessels positioned off the Iranian coasts– and they try to inspect the first merchant ship from that country, there will be a massive launching of missiles in both directions. At that moment exactly the terrible war will begin. It’s not possible to estimate how many vessels will be sunk or from what country.

Knowing the truth timely is the most important thing for our people.

It doesn’t matter if almost everybody, I’d dare say 99.9% or more of my compatriots, instinctively cling to hopes and agree with my sincere wishes to be wrong. I have talked to people close to me, and I have also received news from many noble, selfless and hardworking people who have read my Reflections and do not challenge my considerations in the least but rather absorb, believe and swallow my reasoning through a dry throat; however, they immediately go back to the tasks to which they devote their energies.

That is precisely what we expect of our compatriots. But it would be worse to suddenly become aware of extremely gave events without having heard as much as a news about such possibility. Then there would be confusion and panic, and that would be unworthy of our heroic Cuban people, which was very close to becoming the target of a massive nuclear strike on October 1962, and still did not hesitate for a second in discharging its duty.

Our brave combatants and the military chiefs of our Revolutionary Armed Forces taking part in heroic internationalist missions were close to becoming the victims of nuclear strikes against the Cuban troops deployed close to the Angolan south border from where the South African racist forces –at the time positioned on the Namibian border– had been expelled after the battle of Cuito Cuanavale.

The Pentagon, with the consent of the President of the United States, supplied the South African racists through Israel with about 14 nuclear bombs, more powerful than those dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as we have indicated in previous Reflections.

I am neither a prophet nor a fortune teller. Nobody told me a word of what was to happen. It has all been the result of what I today describe as a logical reasoning.

We are neither new to this complicated issue nor are we meddlesome.

It is possible to predict what will happen in the rest of the Portuguese and Spanish speaking Americas during the nuclear post crisis.

Under such circumstances, it will not be possible to talk of capitalism or socialism. A stage will open that will see the management of the available goods and services in this part of the continent. Certainly, every country will continue being ruled by those who head the governments today, some very close to socialism and others euphoric over the opening of the world market to fuels, uranium, copper, lithium, aluminum, iron and other metals being sent to the developed and rich countries today that will suddenly disappear.

An abundance of food exported now to that world market will also disappear abruptly.

In these circumstances, the most basic products needed for life: food, water, fuels, and the resources found in the hemisphere south of the United States will suffice to preserve some of the civilization whose unbridled advance has led humanity into such a disaster.

Nevertheless, there are still some uncertainties. Will the two mightiest nuclear powers, the United States and Russia, be able to refrain from using their nuclear weapons against each other?

There is no doubt, however, that from Europe the nuclear weapons of Great Britain and France, allied with the United States and Israel, –the same that enthusiastically imposed the resolution that will inevitably unleash the war, which for the abovementioned reasons will immediately become nuclear– are threatening the Russian territory even though this country and China have done everything within their capabilities to prevent the conflict.

The economy of the superpower will fall to pieces like a house of cards. The American society is the least prepared to endure a catastrophe like the one the empire has created in the same territory where it started.

We don’t know which will be the effect on the environment of the nuclear weapons that will unavoidably explode in various parts of the world, and that in the least serious variant will happen in abundance.

As for me, to advance a hypothesis would be pure science fiction.

Fidel Castro Ruz
June 27, 2010
2:15 PM

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